Automated news: reliable, readable and ready to publish.

Subbed is a news automation and AI consultancy, helping publishers turn data into engaging, accurate and instantly available stories.

With experience developing content for newswires, national publications and the local press in multiple countries, across general news, sport and finance, Subbed helps publishers build efficient workflows, get maximum value out of their resources and produce high-quality stories tailored to their audiences.

Whether you are part of an organisation looking to take its first steps into automated content or an experienced team looking to improve existing workflows, Subbed is here to help.

What is news automation?

News automation is about building the systems needed to take routine tasks out of the hands of journalists and give them to machines. In doing so, the risk of human error is reduced, stories can be ready to publish more quickly, and reporters are freed up to do what they do best: source stories, work with contacts and write great articles. Moreover, with machines taking on the extra work, content can become more focused, personalised and engaging for readers.

At a time when AI is causing disruption across many sectors, journalism is among those getting to grips with the challenges and possibilities it presents. While Large Language Models and Generative AI are dominating the news agenda, the field of news automation has been developing for years; with our experience, we’re ideally placed to help organisations take advantage of new developments.

“We learnt a lot from Joseph when we consulted him about his experience from Radar.
“He displayed a great understanding of both journalism and code.”

– Jens Finnäs, founder of Newsworthy